At Sportson Group, Sweden’s largest bicycle dealer operating 29 stores nationwide, e-bikes already make up an important part of the total revenue. – Photo Sportson

Tough times expected in Sweden this year

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The growing popularity of e-bikes in Sweden has resulted in a market share increase from 19.5% in 2020/2021 to 21.7% over the last season which runs from September to August. The increasing sales figures of e-bikes are the real shining star in Sweden, while other categories lag behind.

Sportson’s CEO Lars Haglund and store manager Joakim Arvidsson (left), “We have sold all the e-bikes we got.” – Photo Cykelbranschen

Supply can't keep up with high demand in Sweden

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The growing popularity of e-bikes in Sweden has resulted in a market share increase from 17.5% in 2019/2020 to 19.5% over the last season which runs from September to August. However, also in Sweden the industry is struggling to keep up with demand due to the limited product availability.

Stopping of subsidy scheme did not lead to collapse of e-bike sale. It remained at an unexpectedly high level. – Photos Cykelbranschen

Sweden Now Ranks Among Europe's E-Bike Top Countries

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - That e-bike sales in Sweden would drop hard in 2019 was taken into account by all market operators. In particular because the government's subsidy scheme stopped which made up 25 percent of the purchase price of an e-bike up to a total of one thousand euro. This subsidy scheme pushed the Swedish e-bike market to new highs as sales sky-rocketed with over 50 percent in past years. It resulted in a total sales volume of 103,000 units in the September 2017 to August 2018 period. After the scheme stopped the sale of electric bicycles did not completely collapse, but remained at an unexpectedly high level. It makes clear that Sweden is to be ranked among the largest e-bike countries within Europe.

Stopping of subsidy scheme did not lead to collapse of e-bike sale. It remained at an unexpectedly high level. – Photos Cykelbranschen

Swedes Find Bikes Right Product at Right Time

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - That e-bike sales in Sweden would drop hard in 2019 was taken into account by all market operators. In particular because the government's subsidy of 25 percent of the purchase price stopped. This subsidy scheme pushed the Swedish e-bike market to new highs. Total sales reached 103,000 units in the September 2017 to August 2018 period. After the scheme stopped the sale of electric bicycles did not collapse, but remained unexpectedly high. It makes clear that Sweden is to be ranked among the largest e-bike countries within Europe.

IBDs are main retailing force for bikes in Sweden. They are benefiting from the subsidy program that is boosting the country’s e-bike sales. – Photo Shutterstock

Market Report: Sweden Now Ranks Among E-Bike Top Countries

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A cold and chilly start to the preseason is usually never good for bicycle sales. But the hot and rain-free super summer of 2018 has helped to boost sales this year in Sweden. In particular e-bike sales.

Super summer of 2018 made e-bike sales in Sweden, Denmark and Finland to skyrocket. – Photo Shutterstock

E-Bike Sales Skyrocket in Nordic Countries

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The hot and rain-free super summer of 2018 made e-bike sales in Sweden, Denmark and Finland to skyrocket. The markets for electric bicycles in the three Nordic countries are growing to maturity, while Sweden now ranks among the largest e-bike markets of Europe.

While e-bike sales increased in Denmark and Sweden; Finnish market lagged behind due to a cold cycling season. – Photo Bike Europe 

Nordic's E-Bike Sales Increase, But Markets Tend to Differentiate

COPENHAGEN, Denmark - While market characteristics used to be rather similar, bicycle sales in Denmark, Sweden and Finland is showing some striking

The e-bike has gained a strong foothold on the three Nordic countries. - Photo Bike Europe

Nordic Markets See Transformation to E-Bikes, Except Finland

The e-bike has gained a strong foothold on the three Nordic countries, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, although their overall bicycle markets declined. The